Breakeven Points for Social Security Payments

This calculates and plots the cumulative payments from Social Security for the cases where benefits are started at age 62, 66, and 70. Enter your projected monthly payments in the fields below. You may also include a time-value of money factor.

Payments starting at 62
per month
Payments starting at 67
per month
Payments starting at 70
per month
Time-value of money
% per year

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In the tabulated data, the values below the single dashed line are for when the cumulative payments for starting at age 66 are greater than starting at 62. The values below the double dashed line are for when the cumulative payments for starting at 70 are greater than starting at 66 (and 62).

In the graph, the blues squares represent cumulative values for starting payments at age 62, red horizontal bars for starting at 66, and green vertical bars for 70.

Plotting is performed with the Canvas tag. Some older browsers do not support Canvas, so if you're using one, you won't see any plotting. All the code is written in Javascript; you can see it in most browsers by selecting View Source.

I am not a financial advisor. Check with your personal consultant before making any financial decisions.

Jeffrey Clymer • HomepageEmail
Debut: March 25, 2012